Deploy on Linux

This tutorial will have you deploying discordgsm on Linux server.


Before deployment, you need to prepare the following items.

  • Python 3.8+
Get Started

This tutorial will have you deploying discordgsm on Linux server.

1. Create a new user

Create a user named discordgsm and switch to that user.

2. Clone the repository

Clone GameServerMonitor repository by the following command.

or download manually: Here

3. Create a Virtual Python Environment

The following commands will create a new virtual environment.

4. Activate the Environment

Now that we have a virtual environment, we need to activate it.

After you activate the environment, your command prompt will be modified to reflect the change.

5. Install Python dependencies and packages

The following commands will download the necessary dependencies and packages.

6. Configure the environment variables

Copy .env.example to .env

Edit .env with your favourite editor. Learn more: Guide: Environment Variables

7. Add the bot to your server

The following commands will start the discord bot.

View the console output and click the bot invite link to add the bot to your server.

8. Create a service

Press Ctrl+C to exit the process, then create a service file.

Paste the following content and save.

9. Reload the service daemon

Reload systemd manager configuration.

10. Enable and start the service

Enable automatically get it to start on boot and start the service.

11. View status of the service

12. View the service console log (Optional)

13. Congratulations! 🎉

DiscordGSM has deployed.


This tutorial will update the application to the latest release version.

1. Activate the Environment

The following commands will change the directory to GameServerMonitor and activate the environment.

2. Pull the repository

The following commands will pull the latest version.

3. Install Python dependencies and packages

The following commands will download and update the necessary dependencies and packages.

4. Restart the service

The following commands will restart the service.

5. Congratulations! 🎉

DiscordGSM has updated.

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